Visiting a Local War Memorial & Analyzing Its Form + Location

I visited the war memorial in Bloomingdale, New Jersey located on the side of main street. This war memorial commemorates the veterans of the Korean, and Vietnam war. Specific plaques are in remembrance of veterans that lived in the local area who fought in all wars including world war two. One of my favorite statues of this memorial is soldier holding the American flag, protecting it from possible enemies. At the bottom of the statue is in scripted “hands off”. Showing what war and soldiers can stand for, protecting nation and its people. The plaques and statues are all organized together on the side of the road on the sidewalk, enabling drivers to notice the memorial. Its convenient location on the busiest road in Bloomingdale offers the highest exposure to people. This is fitting for the veterans that lost their lives in war. One of the statues is cannon symbolizing the strength and destruction that war poses, it points to the left. A 9/11 piece is there with to beams placed to remember the world trade center. This war memorial seems to tell a large story pertaining to war. The civilian lives lost due to terror, and the duty soldiers hold to protect their country. This memorial is small yet it serves to remember so many lives. It is a rather humble showing of our thanks to veterans. Perhaps this is okay, as to avoid making a spectacle out of war because war is terrible. This memorials appears to represent war on many scales.


Do You Think Aliens or Time Travel Are More Likely To Exist?

Aliens are more likely to exist because the thought of them not existing hard to believe. Our universe is extremely large and we have yet to discover all its mysteries. It is impossible to completely dismiss the idea that aliens do exist. I feel we need to be open minded about this. On the other hand, time travel could be possible one day however it is much more likely that a more advanced civilization will find us. Time travel remains a mystery, as if it is a silly idea coming out of a comic book. You could say the same thing about aliens but with the size of the universe its likely that aliens exist. Time travel is more far fetched because we do not have a solid idea of how to travel in time. We have to create such an opportunity, we do not have to create the opportunity for aliens to exist. They could be totally independent from us. Time travel also ranks lower than aliens in pop culture, people are more attracted to the idea of aliens because they are much more feasible to imagine existing. Perhaps we humans came from and alien civilization, we do not know for sure where we came from. There are many open questions like this that lend one to think aliens are more likely to exist than time travel. If humans exist than so can other life forms, they do not have to be advanced or complex either. Just a life form separate from us.

What Would Martin Luther King Think About America Today

Martin Luther King Jr. would likely be concerned about the state of America as we are very divided in many ways as we were when he was alive. Perhaps not to the same degree where school segregate black’s and whites, however the United States is not growing united. Many in the country have differing opinions and have difficulty being accepting of others ideas or opinions. Acceptance is vital for unity as people will always have strong differing opinions. It is our mature responsibility to be accepting of others. Martin Luther King would provide a voice for the people that need to be heard and he would make a difference. I think he would feel concerned about the direction that the country is headed. Perhaps we are better off then we were when King was alive but some feel that we are taking steps backwards. King, as any good leader, would inspire optimism in people in the face of our new president Trump. Because some strongly consider leaving the country as they feel all hope could be lost. Martin Luther King would absolutely provide a voice for reason and hope to connect with others who disagree and unite the people. King would think that America needs strength, patience, and unity to gather its people and heal wounds. He would also see any expose any positive change in order to motivate people. King would feel astonished that someone like Trump would be able to become the president of the United States after all the negative statements.




Are Zombies or Vampires More Likely to Exist?

Zombies are much more likely to exist because of germs. A disease would spread and infect our population somehow whether through the air or by coughing on someone. A contagious virus would be fathomable considered that bacteria has many different methods of transmission and mutation. Perhaps you could find some individuals who suffer from a mental illness who try to become a vampire are think they are a vampire. But an authentic vampire needs to drink blood to survive and is actually repelled by garlic. They also lurk only at night as they cannot handle the sun. A zombie outbreak could happen if a country were to start a biological war by spreading a pathogen that infects populations spreading throughout a country turning the living in to the brain dead. Vampires exist only in the supernatural world, now zombies are supernatural as well. At least the kind you see in the walking dead. Those who delve in the supernatural create zombies through voodoo. Some believe in this kind of work, begging the possibility of a zombie outbreak. Creating a group of people who fantasize about the existence zombies.  The fact that zombies have become so relevant in the horror industry as is proof by the Walking Dead, shows that there is room in our imaginations for a reality filled with zombies. Vampires have faded away, with films such as Twilight they no longer deserve the spotlight like zombies do. Zombies are more likely to exist and perhaps we will create them one day in a future war.


Are Supernatural or Real Life Horror Stories More Terrifying?

Real life horror stories are more terrifying because they use a realistic aspect to access our fears. A real life horror story may bend the rules of what real life consists of slightly. Many will easily dismiss supernatural stories because they are perceived as being impossible making it easy to miss the mark for being terrifying. Personally, watching a supernatural horror story can actually make me laugh at certain points because it seems so ridiculous. They can be frightening for sure but not to the same degree of terrifyingly realistic, real life horror movies. After watch a good real life horror movie your adrenaline remains increased and you can be more easily scared by harmless things, base off personal experience. Real life horror movies tap into my fears and bring them up to the surface. The adrenaline rush from watching real life horrors can also draw people in. We like our adrenaline pumping, making us feel excitement even if it may be negative. Supernatural horror movies are entertaining as they capture our wildest dreams or nightmares and make them real in a scary way. Film makers do an excellent job of taking cultural or trending issues and making them scary. The fear of being home alone on a windy and stormy night or the adrenaline that comes from walking home at night on city streets with high crime spikes our senses. We all have these fears that make us cringe and scream. Supernatural films such as paranormal activity may be terrifying for some with a real fear for ghosts or haunted houses, but they do not remind us of everyday threats.


The Jersey Devil: Horror blog

In the pine barrens of southern New Jersey, four troubled teenagers are tired of being controlled by authority. They crave the idea of adventure and rebellion, inspiring them to explore the pine barrens in search of the Jersey Devil. As they gather enough supplies to last them a week in woods, they plan to begin their adventure in the morning. They know their parents will not let them go, so they boldly leave with just a note behind stating, ” be back in a week”. They start their adventure with excitement. The first three days they do well with traveling in the woods, but they grow impatient. The only signs of life they have seen are a few deer, nothing scary. Along their hike their moral is weakening, they want to find the Jersey Devil. They run into a water fall so they decide to take a swim. The first teen enters the water and discovers a doll with the head removed. A peculiar sight, the teens look around for any sign of life. Just on the other side of the water fall they notice a tent. Upon inspection, they discover a grisly scene. A family of headless bodies, including the owner of the doll a young girl. Terrified, the teens run from the water fall until they cannot see it. One trips on a rock falling down a hill hitting a tree knocking him out. The others surround him and try to wake him up. He wakes and they frantically argue about what to do next. Half the group insists to go home, the other half wants to venture on as the bodies may be a good sign of the devil. They split up and continue on. The teen who hit his head sees something flying. The other says he’s just seeing things after hitting his head. Thirty seconds later, they hear screams. Afraid for their friends they run back and find the third friend but the fourth is gone. He was snatched by creature. Assuming it was the devil they run in the opposite direction getting lost and witness a horrible sight of their headless friend fall to the ground. Soon the creature swoops down tearing of the limbs of the other two friends leaving lifeless bodies. The last friend with the head injury remains. The devil does not bother with him because of his injury, it sniffs him smelling damaged meat. He is left to wander in the woods lost. No help is coming as they left no sign of where they are going. Leaving him to the elements.


Do You Think That A Communist Society Could Ever Succeed?

I do not think that a communist society could ever succeed. A country would certainly be able to implement communism for some time. However, I feel the talent, determination, and character of people would eventually over throw communism. I do not live in communist society so maybe my opinion is ignorant. But there are brilliant minds in this world like Mark Zuckerberg, who would not be able to reach their full potential in a communist society. Spreading the wealth is a very compassionate and generous idea. Perhaps we do need more of that in our world today. However people need to learn the mentality of working hard in. It is part of what makes a country great in my mind, ingenuity is what sets us apart and country needs that to blossom. People in their nature would riot and voice their opinions, if the felt jealous or envious of other nations. A country needs to allow its citizens some freedom, or natural human rights. They need to be able to use their money how they want without hurting people. We shouldn’t have to force others to be kind and generous. Generosity should be a natural human characteristic. To feel sympathy. The government would certainly have to stamp out riots, leading to more hatred towards the government. For not allowing people to have their freedom. Communism does not work in reality, human nature trumps it. America for instance may have its bitterness with divided opinions. But most of them are proud to identify as American. You could say that those who criticize their own country do so out of love.



The First Presidential Debate


Watching the first presidential on campus at Stockton University was a good experience. The audience would laugh as they were dumbfounded by Donald Trumps simple answers. Along with his snarky remarks to Hillary Clinton. It seems like social boundaries fall apart when Trump and Clinton debate, they are so fake with each other in their “kind” remarks and Trump has no fear of interrupting Clinton or the the debate host. What Trump lacks in his expertise for politics he try’s to make up for in his life experiences as a business man. But he boasts too much, it does not make him look smart. Unfortunately for him I think he has a hard time expressing himself. Whenever someone points out his weakness he makes an unapologetic attack on the other person. He is very good at dominating the media in this aspect as people are drawn towards comedy and courageousness. They like the spice Trump brings to the table. Clinton relies on speaking from her profession of being a politician, I doubt almost everything she boasts about. The competition between these two candidates is fierce. They both want to be president for self fulfilling reasons, along with reasons for the American people I am sure. Trump dominates by being aggressive and Hillary dominates by making Trump look inferior. This fuels Trump to fire back by taking the attention off himself. I plan on voting for Gary Johnson so they are both out of the question for me. It was still interesting to watch the debate. I think that Trump will either surprise us all and do good for the country or he will ruin us. I really cant get a clear perception on how America would do with Hillary Clinton in office. Because I think she is a dishonest candidate.

A Country On Edge: What Would Jefferson & Lincoln Think About America Today?

Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln would have some mixed views on our countries state. Race tensions are high, terrorism is on our minds, and we are currently in a very strange and heated presidential race. They would think to keep us calm while taking the issues head on. Abraham Lincoln would be astonished by the rise of Donald Trump. He would be worried about the values and morals of Americans. The way our candidates alienate each other. The hatred coming from Donald Trump and many other Americans would sadden Jefferson and Lincoln. Lincoln would work to bring us together as he sees unity is a necessity to keep a strong nation. Jefferson would support Lincoln in this aspect of unity. With Colin Kaepernick refusing to stand for the national anthem, many feel outraged by police brutality among other things. Lincoln and Jefferson would respect Kaepernick’s right to protest, the idea of free individuals is central to the United States. An urgency to unify and fix the problems our country has would overcome them. They would be very cautious not too pick one side of the debate, neither slamming Kaepernick nor supporting him too much. Leaning too far on either side of the debate could bring more problems. During the civil war when Lincoln gave the Gettysburg address, he made sure to recognize the patriotism of those who fought for their beliefs. While keeping his morals for what makes a nation great and working towards peace. Jefferson and Lincoln would still think the second amendment is important. In our unpredictable world with terrorism, guns would be important to them. Jefferson and Lincoln would be happy that people are demonstrating their rights, but concern would be felt for where our country is headed.


In What Ways Can Pictures Convey Ideas Better Than Words

Pictures capture a single moment in time, looking at those moments  will reveal a story. A person’s expression, the quality of the picture, and what is in the picture among other things will give you the details for that story. Below are six pictures taken at different locations at Stockton University. A group of students in a class needed to go to these locations together and each take a group selfie. These pictures are informative, they give you an idea of where you can find something. Personally I have a better sense of direction around campus, having completed this assignment. The pictures demonstrate the social experience we had. Some of us are smiling, or maybe confused. For myself it was also a way to meet people in a bonding experience as we searched for our next spot. Sometimes the quality of the picture is not very good, this adds character showing that we are not perfect. In this manner pictures convey what it is to be human by capturing a visual image of the situation. Hearing someone tell a story can create a very different idea in one’s mind. The listener is very dependent on how the speaker tells the story. Tone of voice, body language and other features add to the story. Reading words on a page in beneficial as you can go back and read a set script for a story, but you are left to create an image in your mind. People easily fill in the gaps of scenarios not filled by words by putting in stereotypes or whatever make the most sense. A picture conveys all of these characteristics in their raw nature, to the audience eliminating stereotypes. Pictures create a strong connection for someone who was not there. I give you the opportunity to create your own idea of what is happening in each image below. IMG_0891.JPG

Health Services


Constantelos Hellenic Collection and Reading Room


Tutoring Center


Veterans LoungeIMG_0889.JPG

Office of Service LearningIMG_0890.JPG

Career Services